Animation showing a how a dynamic QR Code works. QR Code is on the left and two mobile sites on the right. A line connects one site, then shrinks and grows to connect the QR Code with the other site.

Ugh! You just finished printing thousands of flyers with a QR Code and found the codes link has a typo in it – or maybe something changed and the link needs to change shortly after your flyers have been mailed out.

My flyers are garbage?!  

Nope – they’re not! 

Dynamic QR Codes have unlimited flexibility! Never worry again about broken or out-of-date content links  – you can change your code link at any time, without needing to reproduce a new code or needing to re-print your content.

This is what makes dynamic scannable codes more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than many other options. It also ensures that you’re able to provide your customers with a consistent quick link to relevant information. A great example would be a promotional item that a user may keep around like a fridge magnet, coffee mug, or business contact card. The QR code that you place on these items can have the link location changed at any time, to provide your users with the latest sales, promotions or new products!

How does a dynamic QR Code work?

It’s as simple as logging into your QR Hive Honey Box account, finding the code you want to change, and editing the destination URL. Once saved – you’ll see the updates in real-time!

Practical ways to use dynamic quick response codes:

  • Product packaging: add a code to your packaging to create a quick link to your product pages, how-to guides, recipes or other resources that enhance your customers experience with your product. This way you can change the QR Code content as often as you want to keep their interest.
  • Time sensitive promotions: After your promotion is complete, make sure you don’t lose any of the customer engagement that may still come through that codes’ scans! Change the link to a landing page that can give them helpful information, or send them to a new promotion!
  • Product information: If you’re in the service industry, you know that customers looking for product manuals and how-to-information can monopolize your time. Placing QR Code stickers on your products can help re-route users to the information they need, freeing up your time.
  • Event management: Simplify access to event information by adding QR Codes to your event signage, badges and more! Link attendees to event maps, speaker schedules, presentation materials, and so much more! Once the event is over, make sure you change those links to prompt them to sign up for the next event!
  • Customer feedback: You’ve probably seen at least one QR Code on a receipt. They’re great for surveys and other customer resources. When you decide you want to change the form to collect different information – no problem!  Just change the code’s link to a new URL.
  • Selling online: Sending a thank you card with a dynamic QR Code can allow you to quickly connect your customers with tutorials, maintenance tips, or complementary products. The codes’ URL can then be easily adjusted based on the season, or other promotional opportunities.

QR Hive’s Honey Box Plan: If you’d like to leverage the power of generating dynamic QR Codes, our Honey Box plan offers unlimited dynamic codes, empowering you to incorporate this tool into every aspect of your engagement strategy.

Honey Box includes:

  • Unlimited Users

  • Unlimited Campaigns

  • Unlimited Dynamic QR Code Generation

  • 500MB of File Storage (PDF, images, etc.)

  • Analytics History (18 months)

  • Email Support

  • Cancel Anytime

  • 7-Day Money Back Guarantee

  • Enhancing Customer Engagement with Dynamic QR Codes

    Ugh! You just finished printing thousands of flyers with a QR Code and found the codes link has a

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