QR Code on a Coffee Cup advertising the Free Coffee Program

We know that as a small business your time is fragmented and limited. QR Codes can help take some of the burden off of your plate and transition it to a digital environment. There are a lot of major areas where small business owners can use a QR Code to quickly connect the customer to the information they need, instead of having to communicate it directly to each and every customer.

Small Business Contact Information Through QR Codes

Getting the word out about your small business’ existence is the first hurdle. Then comes ensuring they know where and how to find you! When you’re promoting your small business with ads, flyers, or other marketing materials, make sure that you’re providing them a quick way to find you.

QR Codes are a fantastic small business marketing tool! With just a quick smart phone scan, they are connected to the information they need, such as:

  • online map(s) to your location(s)
  • your hours of operation
  • a schedule of your special events
  • promotions, coupons and campaigns
  • any other digital location, that creates a seamless offline to online experience in order to gain a new customer or delight a current one.

This means you can stop fielding so many calls like “How do I find you?”, “What time are you open until?”, “What are your specials today”, etc. — giving you back the time you need to run your business!

Custom Small Business QR Code. Find us on Google Maps QR Code

Grow a Social Media Following

Many small businesses rely on social media to spread awareness and create a loyal and growing customer base. Getting your offline customers to translate into online social followers can be made MUCH easier with QR Codes.

Some tips to increase your social following are:

  • Never be shy to ask for the follow!
  • Post QR Codes on your marketing materials to help quickly link users to your social media profiles.
  • Make sure that your social content is worth the follow!
Instagram QR Code in 5 easy steps

If you want more information on how simple it is to make QR Codes for social media please see our other blog posts:
5 easy steps to create your Instagram QR code
Create your Facebook QR code in 5 easy steps

Label & Product Packaging QR Codes

If you produce your own products, you might quickly become overwhelmed by questions such as:

  • What is your product made of
  • How do I use this product
  • How do I put this together
  • How do I clean or maintain my product
  • Etc.

QR Codes for small businesses are powerful tools! Placing QR Codes on your packaging or product can help answer customer questions without needing to contact the business, saving both you and your consumer time! You could link a QR Code to your website Q&A page, how-to videos and demonstrations, webpages about your products safety and usage.

Example of a clothing QR Code to give clothing care instructions

This also means that you can cut down on the amount of printed materials that need to be produced and provided with your product. Just a simple QR Code can link your customer to all the product information.

Small business QR Codes on products can also help speed up the process of product registration and can also be beneficial to show the user what other products are available on your website.

You can start today for FREE

Start with our Brood Box Plan and see how our QR Codes can work for your small business.

Contests, Loyalty Programs and other List Building

Building a list of addresses with permission to send marketing emails can be both daunting and time consuming. But using QR Codes along with contests or loyalty programs can help take yet another stress off your plate.

Posting signage with a QR code can connect users directly to a mailing list signup. It makes signing up a breeze! But if you’re still struggling with getting signups – you may need to add incentives. Scanning a QR Code to receive a coupon can drive loyalty, while linking to a contest can help grow your brand’s awareness. Whatever your marketing program, the ease of using QR Codes can stifle any procrastination.

QR Code that says "Scan To Win" which is a quick link to a Small Business Contest

Unsure of how to start list building? Contact My Brother Darryl for more information on how you can help to grow brand awareness, drive loyalty, grow your customer base, and gain an authentic communication channel with your customers. My Brother Darryl has a wealth of experience developing creative ways of engaging your customers.

Need More Leads?

Gain new and exciting ways of capturing qualified lead traffic with My Brother Darryl.

Streamlined Order and Payment Process

For small businesses such as a family restaurant or small product kiosk, streamlining the order and payment process can free you up to do other tasks. Placing a large QR Code by your register can allow users to quickly scan, order and pay without the need to pull staff from their tasks.

Also if you place your menu online – it makes it a SNAP to change ingredients, dishes and prices!! No more re-printing menus! For more about how menu QR Codes can save you both time and money, read our blog: “Transform Your Restaurant with Simple QR Code Solutions“.

Sticker with a QR Code that allows the user to scan, order and pay online for fast service.

Link to Customer Engagement Tools

Customers are ready and willing to give you reviews and feedback. Online reviews can be done through Google Reviews, Facebook, HomeStars, or another online review platform. Online feedback can be a form or survey where you can use their feedback to make your business better.

Instead of telling users to just “review us on Google” or “go to this website”, adding a QR Code to the receipt or tag will allow your customer to quickly scan and go directly to the review platform or feedback form that you’ve chosen.

QR Code that tells people to review us on Facebook

If you want more information on how QR Codes for small businesses can help, visit our support page. If you’re ready to grow your customer base, join QR Hive for today and start giving your customers quick links to the information they need!

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